
he Design Collective is an idea spawned from the UK Roleplayers forum, to gather a group of people involved in the creation and publishing of independent* roleplaying games. Our stated aim is to create a community that helps games get created, publicised and released to the world by pooling our respective talents and contacts.

This blog contains posts about the development of specific games, more general posts about the whole game making process, from early ideas to release and anything else that seems appropriate.

To join the collective you simply need ask in the comments, provide your e-mail address and commit to making at least 1 post per month. The ‘UKRP’ is about where this started and the kinds of people already involved, there is no requirement to live/work/come from the UK, and there is enough overlap between roleplaying games and board/war gaming that they are welcome too.

If you aren’t interested in joining then we hope you still find this site to be a useful and informative way to follow the development of some exciting new games.

* There are too many definitions of ‘independent’ so, for the sake of this group, if you self identify as ‘independent’ then that’s good enough for us.

7 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi , I too would like to join the collective. I am working on a miniature based rpg, and am also making and selling my own scenery with a friend. I am really interested in finding out about getting a print run going.

    • Welcome, sounds good. Check out the forums for more info on what we do for each other, especially the Membership thread.

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